song requests

Our Pianists love to hear suggestions for what to play, on each of our tables we provide request cards where you can note down your fave songs, if the performer knows the song they will play it or something similar if they don’t know the song.

Do we need to tip to hear a song?

No, you may tip our performers if you like or want to skip the queue.

Why won’t they play my song?

Each one of our talented musicians have their own style and repertoire of musical knowledge, but sometimes a song just doesn’t work, try another request or ask them if they could sing something similar.


When can I book?

We open all our books one month in advance, for any venue hire functions that need extra planning, you can submit a request through our events page.

Do you take bookings over the phone?

Unfortunately not, we cannot take bookings over the phone as there are a few too many details we need to secure bookings and payments, being a loud live music venue this is quite difficult for us.

How long can we stay?

If you have booked a table, we run 2hr seatings, this means you will have your table 2hrs from your reservation time till the next seating. For example; 6pm booking will need to vacate the table at 8pm.

Please note: the host on the evening will do their best to accomodate any needs, so please talk to th if you have any extra queries or special requests.



Do you serve food?

Although we do not have our own kitchen the lovely Myrtle Wine Bar next door has graciously provided us with a small tapas menu. For any larger fare and main meals you are welcome to order in food from one of the many amazing restaurants nearby.

Can I bring a cake?

Absolutely, we love hosting your celebrations and will provide napkins and forks for you to share your cake around. Please note we do not have refrigeration storage, you can call ahead and check in for your storage options.

Venue details

Are you accessible?

Sadly we are not.

Do you allow kids into the venue?

We are an 18+ venue, unfortunately minors are not allowed.